In the mid-eighties, about fifty research institutes in the Soviet Union studied remote mind control techniques backed by substantial government funding, but all such research efforts were halted with the demise of the Soviet empire in the early nineties. ^V@u!31*eQA =R3B1Os: HXOa[[HHS(iC .#ygF$(E(d3Q@P^-qxk[V\-(& $rF"JWBy5=,i (L2rtS43Jb e"0%6 )]7,K%C>=6&}#C/~~/i4F
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Voice of God Technology sends messages directly into someone's mind, making them think it is God, and Angel, Guide, etc. She wrote her book Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp to let the public know details of her story. Telling me its hid NLP Dales strategy. One of the twenty-first centurys greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture. One of Mennet's 3 residents was involved in a cocaine deal at the Falken restaurant in Rti. The move is a response to the rapid advances being made with technologies that read or alter brain activity and which many expect to bring enormous benefits to peoples lives in the coming years. Professionals who might use NLP skills include law enforcement officers, counselors, hypnotists, religious leaders, politicians, lawyers, coaches, teachers, sales people, writers, public speakers, trainers you get the idea. Pseudo science is not the way forward. Educate local law enforcement on what to look and listen for on the part of the manipulators and on the part of the victims. In 2011, neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. Ages were from 18 to 50+ who were made pregnant. (I have a long story to tellbut i think this is enough at the moment). Was never there since it was confirmed that there was a horrible mix up! 12 October 2021. Then tape up the rest so the window is covered. This technique could even extract information from individuals, who were unaware of themselves. They are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. anyone know anything on this?? In some cases, military bases were used to hide these covert activities. Foil shielding may improve sleep, if sleep is being disrupted by such fields. Try taking a new route somewhere. Its thick enough and resistant to tearing and puncturing. People constantly make fun of me anywhere I go or laugh at me because of how I look. 84-92) [11], Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006) [12], Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the article Diagnosis Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology., The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of the manipulation of human beings. [13]. She and other victims in her network have started a concerted campaign against secret mind control weapons abuse and torture. However, she only told me that she had never seen this before. She claimed that we are tortured, hostages, and slaves to a network of technology void from identification and protection. She had filed as a no party candidate in 2012 for the Presidency of the United States. Accurate history gives people a basis with which to learn and accept new information perhaps about mind control weapon abuses and how they have been used wrongly against society. Sensations of pain in internal organs 183 61.82%, Sensations of pain in backbone, arms, legs, and muscles 174 58.78%, Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation 144 48.65%, Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions 75 25.34%, Autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia 50 16.89%, Skin problems and skin irritations 149 50.34%, Change in growing of hair and nails 95 32.09%, Female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy 24 8.11%, Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body 161 54.39%, Induced Thoughts/ telepathic communication, messages 191 64.53%, Hearing voices (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar) 201 67.91%, Artificial Emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness) 201 67.91%, Sudden unexpected" Sexual Arousal 159 53.72%, Sudden extreme moodswings (depression - euphoria) 142 47.97%, Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects 133 44.93%, Making you say things (forced speech) 135 45.61%, General behaviour control in some situations 147 49.66%, Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories) 199 67.23%, Remote steering of eye movements 114 38.51%, Remote steering of body movements/motor control 126 42.57%, Virtual reality experiences while awake 104 35.14%. He was known to another friend of Jansen earlier. By using our site, you agree to our. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. Cite a manufacture's policy with respect to manufacturing equipment specifications. It must be made public. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, References. I never let any of this go to my head because Im NOT any of those things, people are just very cruel and dont care for others like they would for themselves. In this bill, the terms weapon and weapons system included a device capable of the following: directing a source of energy, including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultralow frequency (ULF) energy radiation, against that object, through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations., The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) formally listed a special category of psychotronic (psycho = mind & tronic= electronic) mind control and other electromagnetic resonance weapons in their 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament. The doctor was a Mrs. Wang. I know when the phone was cloned (Bubikon cemetery, Muggli nursery). As far as I know, Roman Graber drove him with the car and the stolen goods. Make sure you put away your cell phone and talk instead of staying on your phone. No joke. That isnt a line from a science-fiction novel, but something that was asked on the stage of F8, Facebooks annual conference, in 2017. My family and friends have made it known to me that I really dont have freewill or choice anymore because they want me to live and choose what they want. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. To do this, Facebook has enlisted 60 people to look into the technology. yW4m596mmrIY]X,VQRLu5 rzXc!Fw?0y5Z$JQ?rHXcSVF6 Had kids set up in environments to change how the person getting mind controlled thought about life. Everything happened in my life As you mentioned above. Technology is everywhere and has made our lives simpler. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE. Groomed them give them cars, holidays and took them to late night parties and got them drunk more often so their mind becomes so vulnerable and weak as well as dependent on there desires that they lose focus on themselves and independency that they crave to be attached so that its easy for controllers to corner them in to marriage and family as well as using religion as an excuse to get married when the controllers dont believe in religion or will pretend to believe in it or take bits out to use and condition the controlled person for their evil malicious agendas. Recent years, the words mind control abuse and torture and target individual appears frequently online. Soleilmavis is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, who was first attacked in December, 2001 when she was studying for a Masters Degree in Australia. When the target moves, new calculations have to be made, which takes several seconds. Watch carefully for nonverbal clues that do not tally with what a person is saying. Its a huge signifier as to where this innovative technology may go next, and it's heartening to know that some of the biggest brains in the world are currently working hard to bring mind control to the mainstream. Learn how to spell the word, all various definitions, and any synonyms. Desiree holds a BSN in Nursing from The University of Victoria and an MA in Human Services Counseling with a concentration in Life Coaching from Liberty University. These signals may consist of microwave carriers with ELF modulation, and perhaps with audio or text encoded messages. Sometimes, quickly skimming a newspaper article and clicking on the next link can lead to a lot of short bursts of information that you dont focus on long enough to commit to memory or form thoughts. But if the foil is grounded, then the energy is sucked out of the beam and channeled into the ground hole on the outlet and out of the building through a copper rod sunk into the soil (buildings are supposed to have these per regulation). This would be done through an EEG headset that would essentially control an operating system. Use instead air mattresses, waterbeds, wooden cots, or futons. At the beginning of 2018, Microsoft patented the notion of changing an application state using neurological data (opens in new tab). Writing in the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy, the pair put forward four new human rights that are intended to preserve the brain as the last refuge for human privacy. Their study, to be published in the November 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny Electronic Chip, Interacting with the Brain, Modifies Pathways for Controlling Movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006). There was no doubt that, notwithstanding that governments still covered-up the development and research of mind control technologies, the government owned advanced technologies, which could read mankind thoughts remotely and subvert an individuals sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system with electromagnetic frequencies. Read a book to a child, or make your way through your novels with a friend or partner by reading them to each other. The question was posed by Regina Dugan, formerly of US military research facility DARPA, who has the keys to perhaps one of the most intriguing areas in technology right now: Facebooks Building 8. This, in turn, stops you thinking for yourself and makes it easier for them to implant their own agenda. Google Takeout is an export tool that . Alligator leads, to connect one sheet to another. Jansen worked in trade fair construction and committed thefts there. A civilian policeman. My fake friends and family have used NLP and Trauma Based Mind Control on me since I was born. [1] Nazi Wonder Drug,, 9/11/2002, accessed August 19, 2013. Be on the lookout for discontinuities between somebody's ideals and their actual behaviors. 0
This article has been viewed 20,165 times. (3) Targets have depended on law enforcement, national government, and international bodies to "investigate" and stop the electronic torture and mind control. Full print capabilities including 3D, and vehicle wrapping, 27,000 Sqft warehouse for all with bespoke warehouse stock control system to assist with any pick pack fulfilment needs, Working alongside . Focus on equipment which enables frequency transmission necessary to communicate "voices and alter behavior and emotions for not only an animal but also a human. Now, that may sound harsh, but as with most hypnotists, I work in a sole proprietor office. !! I have been a targeted individual for a long time. I am a current victim of mind control (was implemented on me by a former friend), been so for about a year and a half now and I can tell you all that this programming really takes a toll on me as a person and going about my day. There are also many victims in other countries, including over 200 in Russia, over 100 in India, and over 100 in Japan. The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patients brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity. Again, this is a different riff on mind control, but Modius uses a headset and brainwaves to help its users fight the flab. Almost all of the channelers today are actually getting their information through this Technology. A weekly update of the most important issues driving the global agenda. 2977 (2001), which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. We no longer need to conserve our energy to run or fight threats. Dont let the means become an ends. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. H.R. To stop relying on technology and keep your mind from getting dull, do basic things for yourself, like math and spelling, explore the world around you without GPS, interact with people in person, and try new things. Another metal-penetrating type of radiation are scalar waves, also known as longitudinal electric waves. Can someone be saved once they have been controlled? They changed them within three months. . The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early '70s. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Duncan is literally shaking with nervousness as he gives the speech, probably because he knows the information he is letting out is so sensitive it could get him killed. I informed them that I couldnt work with them in my brief session time with them in competition with the pervasive environment of manipulation that they were in. NLP looks at many different aspects of a person and uses language to plant suggestions. Wow I have been saying it for years now but of course no one wanted to believe me. If you recognise any of the above examples, then it is time to break free from this person and their attempts to control your mind. Kind regards $pMFT The UK Government is now spending 2.5 million to fully implement a nation-wide deployment of CIA mind-control technology. They made them pregnant to take them away from me because they would be busy with family now and dont have time for anyone else and trust me a lot of them were single, simple, healthy people who had no interest in marriage. Michael Robert Lawrence, accused of murdering a vacuum cleaner salesman in Waialua, said he was on a mission to kill people and chop up their bodies after voices commanded him to do so, a psychiatrist testified on April 3, 2001. TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. I know people who have made girls and women pregnant all around me who are all at different ages. This may include an organization meeting, a volunteer opportunity, book club, public talk, or even a social meetup. During a spontaneous visit of a lawyer on May 4 (Di Roco,Wetzikon)this was ,presumably before I could talk to him already informed in advance. Heres how it works. Blocking these is even harder. Make it a family or social activity. Translated with (free version), Migraines were bothering me all of a sudden out of no where for 5 years( did mri :all cleared) one day Holy Spirit told me to use tinfoil The house part was already guarded before this time (23.12.06). Year Torture Began: 1970-1980: 29 (9.80%); 1981-1990: 40 (13.51%); 1991-1995: 34 (11.49%); 1996: 18 (6.08%); 1997: 5 (1.69%); 1998: 11 (3.72%); 1999: 6 (2.03%); 2000: 16 (5.41%); 2001: 17 (5.74%); 2002: 15 (5.07%); 2003: 12 (4.05%); 2004: 21 (7.09%); 2005: 15 (5.07%); 2006: 17 (5.74%); 2007: 11 (3.72%); 2008: 23 (7.77%). Emotional blackmail (withholding love and acceptance) and now a prearranged marriage to a girl that I didnt get when we dated and she sure didnt get me. He is trying to get her to groom kids for porn. Another suspected victim, Honduras fallen leader told The Miami Herald, he was being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation - and that Israeli mercenaries are planning to assassinate him. But Reynolds foil, being much thicker, will be even better at attenuating the frequencies than the blankets. They need you alone and vulnerable in order to break your spirit. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a secret war against the Soviets. 7) Check for incoming radiation, add another blanket where necessary. Artificial microwave voice-to-skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar at the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal American Psychologist in the March 1975 issue, the article was titled Microwaves and Behavior by Dr. Don Justesen (1975). "That we could do everything, have everything. They cause so many cruel incidents to happen in the world..!? Hamburg-based criminologist Wolf Kemper believed that D-IX pills were Hitlers last secret development. Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, US Army (ret), published an article in the military journal Parameters which likened the mind to a new battlefield. New human rights that would protect people from having their thoughts and other brain information stolen, abused or hacked have been proposed by researchers. But it wasn't just CIA operatives who fell for the brainwashing hysteria. I know a girl who is being mind controlled. Even Presidents cant tell, as far as I can see studying the literature and having had a skinfull for the last few years plus. Silence never wins civil liberty Hi I have had this problem is there anything I can do about it its been going on for almost 5 years!please help, Anyone know how to combat these technologies? The brain is incredible. [4], In 2002, the US Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a device: a nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device, which broadcast sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device, which can transmit ultrasound (above human hearing) into the skull of mammals. NOTE: The sound modulation might be voice or audio subliminal messages. When I wanted to check with a call if the message arrived, another person picked up. ive looked with no insight Torturers also can make her say things (forced speech). Ambassador Robert Strauss to see that the embassy building contained equipment to exert psychotronic influence on Moscow residents but, according to the general, it had been deactivated. Now she has 2 small children and cant do much of anything. By recognizing your type and the strategy it gives you for changing the way you function in the world, the knowledge suddenly becomes very real and personal. NLP techniques are simply skilled communication. I think Mennet and Egger know each other not only through the sale of the house part. The suggested new rights assert what the researchers call cognitive liberty, mental privacy, mental integrity and psychological continuity. Beam forming and steering is a type of technology where theres an array of little antennas embedded in a flat dish whose output and timing can be individually digitally controlled so that their fields sum into a single narrow beam that can be aimed. If what they say does not match what they do, beware! and for your information this machine can manipulate the "dol''. It was strange that there were so many Security Guards outside the US Embassy, but nobody stopped her or asked her anything. Mind control is the concept by which a subjects thoughts and actions can be controlled by an external force. Perpetrators are directing EMF or microwaves or scalar waves at the tar Signs to look out for are initial feelings that you have found your soul mate, or that the person you have just met is perfectly matched to you. NLP is a little harder to spot as anyone using it is likely to be a professional. Electromagnetic mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a persons brain and nervous system and subvert an individuals sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. Her soon to he exhusnand purposely used NLP to control her and i know this for a fact as he once showed me how to make someone think and feel a certain way to get them to do what you want them to do.