They are conditional on our obedience to God. But Did He Also Write Chapter 34? . We are not obliged by everything in the Mosaic Law. How does he expect me to respond?". Required fields are marked *. Because he is holy and just, as well as merciful and loving, he must punish wrong actions and attitudes. Read more Explain verse Share Copy Show footnotes A A / Popular Bible Quotations For Memorization And Meditation Deuteronomy 31:8 (2) (3) (4), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (19) (Reply) (Go Down), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (19) (Reply), About The High Rate Of Extramarital Sexual Affairs Today / What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos / Body Piercings? In ch. The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible. Your email address will not be published. They were not chosen to be saved, rather they were chosen to be used to accomplish Gods plan of salvation. Deuteronomy 28:1-2, The promise of God in Deuteronomy 28:1-2 offers many powerful insights that we can learn from when we listen with our hearts and open ourselves to applying the wisdom of its mighty blessing to our lives with obedience. The LORD had Moses instruct the Israelites that every man must attend the three special, religious festivals every year. God told Moses he was pleased when the Israelites obeyed him because they wanted to, not because they had to. Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? Possibly, Moses wanted to remind the new generation that had grown up during the desert wandering that they, too, were God's chosen people. Deuteronomy is the second time the law is given. Here is the first step: 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, All the promises of God find their Yes in him [Christ]. The covenant God made with Israel contained three major features: Thelaw, thesacrifice, and thechoice. God made a promise to the Israelites - he would be their God, take care of them, and bless them. God doesnt change, but that does not mean the way He deals with mankind doesnt change. However, there are some things stated in there that go beyond the law and are above the temporal role of the Mosaic Law. 2 Samuel 24:24) to her father and remain married to the girl. Virtually every one of the Ten Commandments, save the Sabbath, is also expressed in some way or another in the New Testament as morally obligatory. Sometimes we think that a small bit of disobedience is no big deal to God, but sin always has consequences. Confess them over you life and let the blessings of God literally run you down and overtake you. It is the manual for life! Explore our latest content and live stream the radio program with our mobile apps. God did punish the people several times for their disobedience, but he always remained faithful to them. 2# Short Commentary & Lesson From Deuteronomy 5.28-30. What does it mean that you are the head and not the tail in Deuteronomy 28:13? They served their purpose for the carnal, physical nation of Israel, but they have been superseded by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Who has opened a new way to God the Father, based on personal responsibility and . And in such an area, the curses of Deuteronomy 28 are brought to bear upon us. The coming of Jesus, the Messiah, into the world and his atoning work on the cross and his resurrection and his reign in heaven and his authoritative teaching like in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 57 all of that together alter the way some of the promises and the teachings of the Old Testament are to be inherited and applied. Is the US. This passage is a reminder that we need to put our faith in God and not in ourselves. In all of this instruction, Israel had the supreme privilege of learning the fear of the Lord (Deut 31:12). Our obedience is looking unto Jesus, and faith in his completed works. The same principles that applied to Israel's success in Canaan apply to us today. We need to look at the passages in question and ask: Does this seem to express a moral obligation that transcends the Mosaic Law? Just as one finds curses for disobedience in the Old Testament and Book of Mormon, Deuteronomy 28 contains a list of blessings that Israel would receive when they were obedient. how does deuteronomy 28 apply to us today. 11 You shall remain outside, and the man to whom you make the loan shall bring the pledge out to you. Posted Nov 28, 2016 by Michael L. Brown. William Twisse on Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, and the covenant of works. Link panels (synchronize references) Go to table of contents Here are some key points from the passage that we can apply to our lives: 1. T. he subject of which Biblical laws apply today can be confusing for many Christians.. Unfortunately, the Israelites broke their promise to God. 26 " When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance and have taken possession of it and live in it, 2 w you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket, and you shall x go to the place that Both versions allot six days for laboring (Exodus 20:9; Deuteronomy 5:13). Editorial: Reading Deuteronomy for Gods People Today. After all, he is speaking to the generation whose parents died in the wilderness due to their disobedience and rebellion (Deut 1-4). A man must NOT treat his wife as a slave, even if she is a captured prisoner of war. 9. All the commands in the Old Testament are obsolete. L.Willows, Your email address will not be published. And the second curse is for those who break Gods covenant. What does it mean to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19)? We need to rely on His strength and not our own. 4 iii. In Leviticus it is being expressed clearly as a universal, right next to bestiality and child sacrifice. If they did, He would protect them, and if they didn't, He would forsake them (Deuteronomy 28). The offence of the cross is the nullification of sacrifice and self effort in receiving God and receiving from God - that you no longer need obedience to the law to be justified and belong to the commonwealth of zion. There is a unique kind of plan that He has in the new covenant that's expressed through Jesus and what He did on the cross. This agreement was never to be broken and was intended to last forever. 6. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God: a. If we are obedient to Gods commands, we will experience His blessings. This book is named after the main character of its second part. This truth was very offensive to some jewish christians as it is now offensive to religious gentile christians. One can certainly see how people might find these . He shall be forgiven. So, forgiveness is offered through the offering of a ram, and nowadays now, since Jesus he has replaced the work of that priest and the offering of that ram. No. The agency added a 12.5% cost-of-living increase in October 2022. Does he hate some people and love others? If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). The things that no longer apply to us are not repeated in the New Testament. When we obey the Lord and keep His commandments, we are blessed in every way. I cannot justify myself, Greg Koukl, based on the demands of those simple commandments. Could Deut. There is no greater privilege for humans than to know, love, obey, and serve our glorious covenant Lord. He was not pleased when the Israelites insisted on returning to their sinful practices. There are blessings and curses in the Mosaic Covenant meant for Israel. In truth, it is a Gospel book which describes beautifully the covenant relationship between Yahweh and his people, the deep and abiding problem of the human heart, and the only remedy for uncircumcised hearts, namely, Gods sovereign and gracious action to redeem by the provision of a greater and better Israel, the true obedient Son and servant King. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: 3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. Mar 2, 2023: When we make mistakes, the enemy wants us to feel miserable.but God wants us to bounce back. A man must NOT treat his wife as a person he can disrespect or demean. One example is Deuteronomy 28, which contains a number of blessings and curses. Abraham was saved by faith, not by works and he is the prime example of how everyone has always been saved. Through Moses instruction, Deuteronomy also describes the future of the nation, which later biblical authors use as a template to interpret Israels history and to hold out hope for a new and better covenant (see e.g., Deut 29-30). Here are some key points from the passage that we can apply to our lives: 1. He wants us to turn back to him. And just as the LORD told the Israelites that he would notice if they did "the right thing," he notices us when we do the right thing. Somehow, there seems to be a choice that is up to us, something or someone is knocking at the door with a message and a reason for our survival. The word 'deuteronomy means "repetition of the law" after 40 years when the people were about to enter Canaan, and Moses was reminding them of their history: although he was . They say it looks like were picking and choosing the Old Testament Law because were against homosexuality, but we dont follow these other details. Israel was to fulfill the role of Adam by living as a kingdom of priests (Ex 19:5-6), to serve as Gods son and representative and thus display to this poor, fallen world what it means to be truly human. For God to say to any people: "I am your God and you are my people" is the very reason and purpose for our existence as God's image-bearers. Christians are the chosen in the sense that those who are in Christ, putting their trust in Him, are the ones that benefited from that plan of salvation God was working out through Israel. It is first given in Exodus when Moses is at Mount Sinai. 14-16 of Institutes published before Calvin preached on Deuteronomy and it remains present in his Commentary on the Four Last Books of Moses, written and published after Calvin preached on Deuteronomy. We are also told that if we do trust in the Lord, then we will be blessed. The Bible is clear that God blesses those who obey Him and curse those who disobey Him. But because they're the Ten Commandments, they don't apply to Christians, because that was part of the Old Covenant, and the writer of HebrewsHebrews 8:13says the Old Covenant is obsolete. Only God cannot be shaken when the earth seems to crumble beneath us. 6, God gives Moses instructions to give to Israel. There are a lot of rules that apply in any situation in any state. Does that mean we can go around murdering people because were not under the Mosaic Law? Christians may rightly embrace the promises of the Old Testament made to Israel, because in union with the Messiah, Jesus, we are Israel, we are the true Israel. It is always best to stay as far away from evil as we can. First, Deuteronomy beautifully describes the covenant relationship between God and his people. Even though that generation knew the letter of the law, God instructed them to circumcise their hearts and write His laws there (10:16). Fine, try these two on for size. They hesitated and by staying outside of the land, they were not obeying God's instructions. We should never take advantage of people in need. And, therefore, all the promises made to the circumcision, the true Israel, belong to us, Jew and Gentile in Christ Jesus. God's command to destroy these nations was his judgment upon them for the wicked things they had done for many years. We have the same choice as God's followers. Adults need to be encouraged to remain faithful to their spouse. The New Testament says that the Old Testament law was intended "to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith" (Galatians 3:24). The list is severe, and includes everything from being cursed in the city to being cursed in the field. If we are no longer under the Sinai covenant, how do we apply the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28 to believers today? No, God is loving and merciful, but he is also just so he doesn't permit evil to continue without being punished and corrected. God took them out of the land, He rescued them, and they were obligated to Him as their Sovereign. There are also laws and rules that are unique to a particular states situation. What is needed is for the covenant Lord unilaterally to act and circumcise their hearts (Deut 30:6). All the rules, regulations, preparation and sacrifices are meant to translate for us to the most realistic form what is at stake to be as holy as God. Second, it shows us the power of Gods curse. The Book of Deuteronomy records Moses' final sermon to the Israelites, which he gave just before he died and they went up to enter the Promised Land. Sometimes it should be recognized that exegetical and hermeneutical practice have made some good advances that have built upon the understanding of 16th/17th century methods. Deuteronomy 4:26. The New Covenant is based on grace, not obedience. What things can draw you away from the fundamentalvalues of life? They were Gods instruments to accomplish a plan of rescue for the world: God becoming man as a member of the Jewish race and dying on the cross for mans crimes against God. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever because He is God. The astronauts flying a space shuttle mission endure days of preflight preparation. How to Apply Deuteronomy 6. Rom 5:20-21; 7:13)a lesson we must never forget. 1. What does it mean that the secret things belong to the Lord (Deuteronomy 29:29)? Salvation in the OT (based on the Abrahamic Covenant) was always by faith, and never by works. The purpose of finding the greatest commandment was to focus on keeping that really well and not worry so much about the others. The following commentary by David Guzik is a lead to deeper understanding. The passage in Deuteronomy 23:2, and similar passages, are no longer valid today, nor can they be applied to the Church of God. It doesnt mean that. 10. Do we try to build status elsewhere? We need to be reminded of that same truth many times today. . The Mosaic Law contained some universal moral principles that apply today because they transcend the old law, but arent applied in the same way judicially. Read through all of the awesome blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28. Again, this is something that we should all be striving to do. If youre seeking to justify yourself, then you have to treat your neighbor this way, and youre not going to be able to consistently treat your neighbor this way. We need to obey Gods laws and statutes, so that we can experience His righteousness and peace (v. 30-32). This remind of when I was in school(primaryschool) my mum always told me if you do well at school and pass all your exams I will buy new dress and special food only for me,and those things she promised to give will entice me and I will put more effort in my study, I thought to myself the creator of heaven and earth the all knowing God, he that exists before every other thing were created promised us all these blessings, and I started thing living life without stress, depress,no sickness, etc,and said prayer asking God to give me Grace to stay under his law and commandments, my heart fill with joy and hope,..GLORY TO HE THAT NEVER FAIL. This is His way of bringing us back to Himself and showing us that we need Him. Gentiles were never under the old contract. Nothing that is in the Mosaic Law applies to me as a Gentile in virtue of it being in the Mosaic Law. This was doubly important in biblical times because many of the pagan religions surrounding Israel made prostitution a regular part of their religious ceremonies. It was based on their obedience. First, it shows us the importance of obeying God. The reasons of this law are, 1. Israels being chosen did not secure their salvation. It is my prayer that the various articles and contributions in this issue of SBJT will lead us to a greater understanding of Deuteronomy and a renewed appreciation for our Lord Jesus Christ, the one whom the message of Deuteronomy ultimately points. .this right here is the good news but also the 'offence of the cross', Galatians 5v11. Thats another hint that these are universals and not just a peculiar law limited to the Jews, though the particular application of law was limited to their system of law. Others may be trying to trick us. If we are no longer under the Sinai covenant, how do we apply the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28 to believers today? He expects His people to obey Him, and He will bless them when they do. 1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice